April 7, 2011

The buckets are all down and based on the weather forecast for this weekend we’ll all be in shorts.  I still haven’t heard the spring peepers though which is one of the sure signals that Spring has sprung and the season is done. Brian is back at electrical work and I need to get my house back in order from the neglect brought on during sugar season when my focus is elsewhere.

Due to the calls we have been getting we have decided to open this Saturday April 9th from  12 pm to 4 pm.

April 3, 2011

Th-Th-That’s all Folks! The season has ended for us.  Yesterday morning Brian was out collecting and he could smell the change in the sap.  So we boiled for the last time yesterday.  Now it’s time to pull buckets and start thinking about next year.  There’s lots of wood to get ready which will take a good deal of time from now until fall.  We went through a good 12 cord this year so we need at least that again.

Hopefully we’ll see some of you again between now and next year at a Farmer’s Market or Fair.  Remember you can arrange to pick up products off season by just giving us a call.  Brian’s cell is best – 370-0908.

Our thanks to all who came to visit and shared their time with us.  We truly enjoy the connections we make with everyone year to year.

Best Wishes,

Brian and Sue Folsom