February 18, 2018

Another year, another season and no telling yet how things will go.  But that’s what you get dealing with the whims of the natural environment.  This week has been pretty good for sap flow.  Looks like the trees are pumping out plenty today after the sugar snow we had last night.  Good thing since the warm temps mid-week will shut things off until we get another freeze up.  With a bit of luck that should happen Thursday or Friday.  There were a few folks in this weekend looking for pointers on doing their own sugaring.  It’s always great to help them out and know that it’s such a great family activity to share.  Can’t beat it. Once again we have some maple DIY kits for sale for only 10.00!  Feel free to stop in to pick one up and try it out.  But watch out – you could get hooked.  We did. lol